Banano: Potential best memecoin?

By Socartes | Socrates blog | 4 May 2023

Banano (Ban) was released to the public on April fool's day of 2018, as a fork of Nano (XNO)


It is a memecoin and it's community has a tipping nature. (Apes together strong)


It's symbol is 2 bananas placed in a 69 style position up and down.


The first banano wallet to be created was kalium.



The smallest unit of banano has 29 decimals and is called a raw (10²⁹ raw= 1 BAN) and 0.01 BAN is called a banoshi.


Banano, just like Nano, uses Open Representative Voting (ORV), which is a delegated proof-of-stake system that allows users to select representatives to vote on their behalf, making the network more decentralized and secure.


MonKeys cac4376d9bc7f5da295c198db7a39bcec69c51669b484fb1d554fea9e9ed16d0.jpg


You can use the faucets at to get some Nano for your first transaction!


You can watch videos at to get free banano or queue your own videos using banano to get views!


Banano has an NFT system too!


Despite many memecoins being frauds and failures, banano has shown its awesomeness through its community.


Do you think Banano is a worthy memecoin like Doge and Shib?



What should I write about next? Comment down!





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