IMFWales2024 Opening

CBFF's International Media Festival Of Wales - IMFWales2024 is Now Open!

By SmileToBeFree | SmileToBeFree | 21 Dec 2023

International Media Festival Of Wales - IMFWales is Now Open!  

Creativity is the Future and You Are the Creatives


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IMFWales is an exciting industry festival created by the team behind the highly successful BAFTA and BAFTA Cymru qualifying Carmarthen Bay Film Festival.   Calling all media and content creators, come and be part of one of the best industry-leading festival in #Wales; submit your project now.  

The festival's aim is to celebrate the very best of today's content creators, programme and media makers, media related and documentary photography and writing talent here in Wales and from around the world.  

This year the International Media Festival Of Wales features 13 categories covering documentary and fine art photography, short film, short documentary film, animation, immersive or Interactive film, television or webisode, drone, podcast, social media, digital art and the Under 21 - Rising Star category.  

IMFWales2024 is not just about getting your project seen or read; it's about you! We want to help you get noticed.  

During the festival there will be screenings, exhibitions, seminars, and much more.  

IMFWales FB Header  

#IMFWales2024 - a Carmarthen Bay Film Festival CBFF - Gŵyl Ffilm Bae Caerfyrddin festival


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A film-making stamp collector, interested in natural health and well being; happy to write about all and everything while making movies on my smart phone. Also the Festival Director of the BAFTA Qualifying Carmarthen Bay Film Festival.


A film-making stamp collector, interested in natural health and well being and happy to write about all and everything that seems interesting.

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