Blockchain Cuties on Matic Presale

By Ken Minchie | Mische | 20 Jul 2020

Matic Network and its partnership with Blockchain Cuties recently announced. It aims to further introduce blockchain technology related projects to the public. Another reason is that the Matic Network wants to promote the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry in India

What is Blockchain Cuties?

Blockchain Cuties - is a new collectible crypto game with adventures where you get to play with puppies,lizards,bear cubs,cats and other real like fantasy creatures. As a popular blockchain related game it is an honor for Matic Network to partner with Blockchain Cuties.

Blockchain Cuties Matic Presale will begin on July 22, 2020

The following are just three of the seven NFT on sale in the upcoming Blockchain Cuties Matic Presale. Each Cutie will be based on famous Indian movie character, folklore, and crypto/blockchain theme.

  • Singh Cutie - crime stops in its tracks when he is around
  • Android Cutie - is an advanced "andro-humanoid" robot also known as "The Robot". Android memory was packed with almost all the existing world knowledge and a super-powerful CPU to process it.
  • Shivudu - extremely strong and courageous,this Cutie never backs down from a fight and always stays true to his morals.

Take a look at the Shivudu Cutie here on Matic Network Twitter


These are the few among those Matic Blockchain Cuties that's awaits you to collect. In the next few days there will be more four Cuties to be release by Matic Network.

The matic Network project is not only focused on the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry because they also help people who want to learn. The Matic Network supports the Nibble Computer Society's HackCovid hackathon. This proves that during the pandemic there are certain individuals who have helped as much as they can like Matic Network

We remain dedicated to supporting India's young blockchain talent and specially those who are dedicated to utilizing blockchain technology for the good of others


Matic Network

Blockchain Cuties


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Ken Minchie
Ken Minchie

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