Cryptocurrency and Tarot: How Thai Crypto Enthusiasts Build Their Business Strategies?

Cryptocurrency and Tarot: How Thai Crypto Enthusiasts Build Their Business Strategies?

By SimpleSwap | SimpleSwap Blog | 14 Dec 2023

In Thailand crypto enthusiasts have come to the conclusion that the answers to questions about the fluctuations in the prices of cryptocurrencies can be found, no more and no less, in Tarot cards. That is something new, isn’t it?

However, you’d be surprised to find out how many businessmen – seemingly rational and sober-minded individuals – occasionally turn to fortune tellers and sorcerers. Where does this love for supernatural forces come from among entrepreneurs, and how are crypto enthusiasts doing in Thailand? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

Lucky at cards, lucky in business

The Crypto World is an extremely unstable place. It is evident that traders in this field always have to be on guard: continuously analyze the market, react instantly to price changes, and make decisions quickly. The rises and falls of Bitcoin (BTC), for example, can sometimes be too rapid and unpleasant – just check out its price history.

It is impossible to predict with certainty the behavior of the cryptocurrency via traditional methods. But what stops one from using non-traditional tools, such as astrology or Tarot reading? Nothing stops Thai businessmen, for example.

The trend of turning to supernatural forces for crypto forecasts was noticed last year, as reported by the Cointelegraph portal. While European entrepreneurs consulted financial experts, their counterparts in Thailand ask cards. And, it must be said, there were no particularly loud failures or articles about the bankruptcy of Thai crypto holders (as well as there is no information about sudden enrichment due to a perfectly crafted strategy).

A place of power

Why did Thailand become a place for the popularization of so-called "supernatural crypto analysis"? The fact is that spirituality takes precedence in this country. Thailand is often referred to as a "place of power." It is believed that asking for help from spirits there is an everyday chore. At the same time, one must treat them respectfully and always be thankful for guidance. Distrust and irony can turn against the requester.

Due to the prevalence of astrological forecasts or Tarot predictions in Thailand, the fact of connecting this to the cryptocurrency is not surprising. Tarot cards, in particular, have gained special popularity among Thai crypto entrepreneurs. Enthusiasts are confident that the images on the cards can provide clues about future cryptocurrency trends and market changes.

Can it really work?

From a psychological perspective, relying on supernatural forces when making decisions can surprisingly have a positive effect. Traders, more than anyone else, need unwavering confidence when making transactions and formulating long-term forecasts. Fluctuations on the part of the investor can undermine their entire strategy, even a potentially winning one.

Of course, the best support comes from facts, consultations with financial experts, and one's own experience. But if in a particularly challenging situation, when the entrepreneur has too many doubts and anxieties, turning to the stars or cards might  indeed help.

And there's nothing more supernatural here than simple psychology. The principle of transferring responsibility works quite successfully in some cases:

- It alleviates unnecessary anxiety.

- It helps to calm down.

- It creates a sense of stability.

- It protects against decisions made based on emotions.

- It helps to take a pause and look at the situation from a different angle.

- It helps to focus on one's state of mind, not just on price charts and diagrams.

Cryptocurrency and supernatural forces: conclusion

Upon reflection, there is not so little in common between playing on the crypto exchange and dealing with ancient energies. In both cases, there is an element of chance and luck. The news about Thai crypto analysts and their mystical pursuits has intrigued many people worldwide. Some have even begun to talk about the connection between two worlds – the new technological one and the old one, with its traditions and rules.

Thailand has become the best place for all this. The history and culture of this country imply the intertwining of two opposite epochs – the ancient and the most recent.

It is essential to note that this article in no way encourages turning to fortune tellers, psychics, and Tarot cards for trading on the market. So far, this approach has not proven successful. Overall, the world of cryptocurrencies is very unpredictable, and the rules that govern it are not yet fully defined. In many ways, this is why it attracts new users, captivates the imagination, and unsettles the ambitions of even those who do not plan to engage in investments and trading.

If you want to learn more interesting facts about crypto then don’t forget to check out our blog! You might like our articles “Promising Crypto Projects to Follow in 2024” and “Myths and Misconceptions About Crypto”.

The easiest way to buy or exchange coins is to use SimpleSwap services.

SimpleSwap reminds you that this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not provide investment advice. All purchases and cryptocurrency investments are your own responsibility.

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