Spoils Of Life - Blogger's Creed

By Pajeebear | Silent Whispers - Poetry | 23 Jul 2019

Flap the wings of your inner soul

Like an eagle in it's highest soar

Let go of your bleeding spirit waul 

Like a Lion out with his fiercest roar


Scribble the notes of your dying heart

Let thy fellow warrior hear your part

For when ones end is another's start

Lost in the limbo of the devil's fart  



Oh I see you laugh right there and smiling

Life is just like that my dear, keep rolling

Heed this words I've kept myself now I'm sharing

No matter how dire and painful, keep on moving


I hope you'all dear writers and readers fine

I'm just trying my best to writ and rhyme

Funny little scribbles and tickles of mine

Hope it's worth your precious little time



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@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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I'm a mom and entrepreneur and this is where I unravel some of my thoughts.

Silent Whispers - Poetry
Silent Whispers - Poetry

This Blog the outlet of my wandering thoughts.

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