By mummyrio | SIDECHAINNEWS | 17 Mar 2021

Basic Attention Token ( BAT) price soars to $1.22. This is all time high in 2021. BAT has been long time as the reward for authors in publish0x. Now BAT is going to be the most sustainable advertising token based on cryptocurrency.


There are many tokens on advertising like adshares and others. however, BAT still dominate the market. The project with brave browser has million users today. Users have its own privacy to display or not to display ads. Besides that, users will earn incentive reward when they set to display ads. This system seem to attack the current browsers that cover most market in the world. Safari, google chrome, mozilla and others are traditional browsers. The competition of brave browser is and presearch. Until now. BAT still lead the browser users choice in cryptocurrency.


Is it profitable invest in BAT? 

BAT has real users from advertisers, and browser users. So, the token value is based on the users utilization. The more advertisers use BAT the more expensive of the price because the demand will increase. The growth of installed brave browser will attract advertisers too. BAT will be the most precious asset in advertising industry of crypto spheres.


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