Top 5 Oasis Network NFT Collections in April 2022

By S1mple Finance | S1mple Finance | 2 May 2022

What is NFT?

At a very high level, most NFTs are part of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency, like bitcoin or dogecoin, but its blockchain also supports these NFTs, which store extra information that makes them work differently from, say, an ETH coin.

#5 Oasis Doodles

Oasis Doodles are the first Doodles on the Oasis Network consisting of 3,333 algorithmically generated NFTs.

#4 Oasis Dogs

The collection features 5,000 cute pups living in the Oasis metaverse with over 90 unique attributes.

#3 Oasis Apes Club

Oasis Apes Club is an ambitious token- NFT protocol that promotes community by incentivizing holders and utilizing burn mechanisms of $OAPE token to mutate art!

#2 Gem

OasisGorillas is the first NFT colletion of gorillas on the Oasis Network, consisting of 10,000 unique collectible Bullish Gorillas and features over 50 unique attributes.

#1 Oasis Apes

The Oasis Apes NFT project is a limited Profile-Picture(PFP) with added utility community-driven collection fully native to the Oasis Emerald Parachain, one of the Parachains of the Oasis Protocol.

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S1mple Finance
S1mple Finance

S1mple Finance is a next generation DeFi project, which will allow web3 users to access all the DeFi features in one place (trading, liquidity farming, staking, nft and much more)

S1mple Finance
S1mple Finance

S1mple Finance is a next generation DeFi project, which will allow web3 users to access all the DeFi features in one place (trading, liquidity farming, staking, nft and much more).

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