Top 5 Moonriver DeFi Platforms in April 2022

By S1mple Finance | S1mple Finance | 25 Apr 2022

What is DeFi?

DeFi stands for decentralized finance. The first decentralized finance platforms have launched on Ethereum blockchain few years ago. Now, DeFi platforms are built and operate on more than 10 blockchain networks. Today, we are going to take a look at the top performers, built or operating on Moonriver network.

#5 Polkamarkets

Polkamarkets is an AMM Protocol built for multi-chain information exchange.

Supported blockchains: Moonriver, Moonbeam

#4 Huckleberry

Huckleberry is a community driven AMM crosschain DEX.

Supported blockchains: Moonriver

#3 Moonwell

Moonwell is an open lending and borrowing protocol.

Supported blockchains: Moonriver

#2 RomeDAO

RomeDAO is a DeFi solution, where users can stake and invest in bonds.

Supported blockchains: Moonriver

#1 Solarbeam

Solarbeam is a DEX, providing liquidity and enabling peer-to-peer transactions.

Supported blockchains: Moonriver

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S1mple Finance
S1mple Finance

S1mple Finance is a next generation DeFi project, which will allow web3 users to access all the DeFi features in one place (trading, liquidity farming, staking, nft and much more)

S1mple Finance
S1mple Finance

S1mple Finance is a next generation DeFi project, which will allow web3 users to access all the DeFi features in one place (trading, liquidity farming, staking, nft and much more).

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