Top 5 Ethereum DeFi Platforms in May 2022

By S1mple Finance | S1mple Finance | 3 May 2022

What is DeFi?

DeFi stands for decentralized finance. The first decentralized finance platforms have launched on Ethereum blockchain few years ago. Now, DeFi platforms are built and operate on more than 10 blockchain networks. Today, we are going to take a look at the top performers, built or operating on Ethereum network.

#5 CowSwap

CowSwap is finding the best price and optimizing gas costs.

Supported blockchains: Ethereum

#4 Sushi

SushiSwap is a fork of Uniswap, where users can trade, provide liquidity, stake and vote.

Supproted blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Harmony, OEC, Fuse, TelosEVM, Moonriver, Celo

#3 1inch Network

1inch is a distributed network for decentralized protocols.

Supported blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Optimism

#2 Polygon POS Bridge

A way to bring cross-chain assets to Polygon chain.

Supported blockchains: Ethereum

#1 MetaMask Swap

A crypto swap from the wallet & gateway to blockchain apps.

Supported blockchains: Ethereum

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S1mple Finance
S1mple Finance

S1mple Finance is a next generation DeFi project, which will allow web3 users to access all the DeFi features in one place (trading, liquidity farming, staking, nft and much more)

S1mple Finance
S1mple Finance

S1mple Finance is a next generation DeFi project, which will allow web3 users to access all the DeFi features in one place (trading, liquidity farming, staking, nft and much more).

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