An Introduction to Jetcoin (JET) and the World of JET NFTs

By Zacharias | RekTimes Archive | 26 Dec 2021


26 December 2021: Jetcoin (JET) is a unique project that allows fans to directly benefit by investing into their favorite athletes & creators in the sports and entertainment industries respectfully. The best way to participate in this process is through purchasing minted NFTs from sports & entertainment talents or up & coming stars.

As the athletes or creators become more popular, purchased NFTs grow in value, leading to new realized gains by NFT holders. To attract talent, Jetcoin has produced a marketing strategy that includes direct sponsorship of jerseys and advertising in select sports venues. To date, Jetcoin has already produced parterships with some notable organizations.


Examples include the following:

  • English Football League Derby County FC
  • Wigan Athletic FC
  • A.C. Chievo Verona
  • Hellas Verona (Serie A)

Jetcoin has also been the sponsor of three separate luxury yahtch shows, three Formula One after parties, and the English Premiere League.


How Jetcoin Works

Jetcoin works through a simple, three step process. First, Jetcoin secures partnerships with rising talents by negotiating a percentage of the contracts through the signing agent or agency. The funds necessary to securing a percentage of these contracts is then funded through the release of JET that interested parties can purchase.

The final step is implementing a career plan in collaboration with other partners that fans are now a direct part of. By utilizing the Jetcoin platform, value untapped value is created through the partial decentralization of the athlete's or creator's marketing via channels like social media, peer to peer, etc.

Incentive to long term success is generated for all participating entities, including on the part of the athlete or creator, investing partners, and fans that invest in the athlete or creator through Jetcoin.



Jetcoin is dual build existing ontop of the Ethereum blockchain with JET being an ERC-20 token as well as Binance Smart Chain. There is a total supply of 100,000,000 JET with 20 million JET being locked and the rest being available for release. The current circulating supply of JET stands at 12.7 million.


Jetcoin (JET) -

Jetcoin sits at a market cap of approximately $500 thousand with JET trading for around $0.04 USD per coin. Becoming a JET holder now means being one of the very first adopters of Jetcoin's unique NFT technology.

Presently, Jetcoin has a presale that is live for the next five days - ending before the end of the year. There is a maximum investment set at five BNB.

Jetcoin Presale 




Although a very young project, Jetcoin has identified a presently under-utilized market that is growing in size and value with each passing year. The opportunity for fans and interested parties to directly invest in athletes & creators opens up brand new possibilities for the sports & entertainment industries.

It is also arguably the most unique and hands on way for fans to support their favorites celebrities. Jetcoin is certainly a project worth taking the time to learn about and investigate. The top links associated with Jetcoin are available below.

Important Links

This article was written as a submission for the #JETNFT Contest



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