Real World Assets
Real World Assets

Real World Assets

Transporting Real World ASsets onto Blockchain can unlock trillions of dollars

Commodity trading strategies

2 May 2023 1 minute read 0 comments fmiren

How To Win In Commodities Markets   With inflation raging, and traditional asset classes underperforming there is no better time to talk about commodities than now. In this essay I will share some popular and not so popular commodity trading stra...

Commodity-backed stablecoins

20 Apr 2023 5 minute read 3 comments fmiren

  Introduction A commodity-backed stablecoin (CBS) is a digital asset that is backed by reserves of physical commodities. These commodities can be precious metals, such as gold and silver, or oil, or other commodities. Think of these stablecoins...

Equities and the business cycle

19 Apr 2023 2 minute read 0 comments fmiren

  Profits cycle Corporate profits tend to grow in line with nominal GDP. However, the relationship between the growth rates of profits and nominal GDP is not the same across all period. During some periods, such as the late 1990s and early 2000s,...

Tokenized wine

15 Apr 2023 4 minute read 1 comment fmiren

On-chain wine Introduction Wine as an alternative asset class Getting more popular as an alternative investment, wine has a number of advantages: - Its low correlation to traditional assets, such as equities. Over years, wine has exhibited low co...

Commodity markets and DeFi. How does Mettalex work?

9 Apr 2023 5 minute read 0 comments fmiren

  Mettalex is a decentralized exchange bringing commodity markets to DeFi. Mettalex will help holders of physical assets hedge their price risk, and speculators take leveraged positions in the otherwise illiquid markets. Oother beneficiaries of the e...

Decentralized FX trading

4 Apr 2023 3 minute read 0 comments fmiren

Introduction What is FX market? Inefficiencies and how blockchain can solve them? Foreign exchange, or Forex is the most liquid market in the world. Most of the FX or currency trading is done not on exchanges but over the counter. According to the BI...

On-chain Carbon Credits - Commodifying Mother Nature

3 Apr 2023 7 minute read 0 comments fmiren

Introduction   What are voluntary carbon markets? First things first. Carbon credit (or carbon offset) is a tradable certificate that allows its owner to emit a predefined amount of greenhouse gases. One carbon credit represents one ton of carbon...

Relationship between dividend yield and 10-year Treasury yield

29 Mar 2023 1 minute read 0 comments fmiren

  Dividend yield and 10-year Treasury yield There has been a relationship between bond yields and dividend yields historically. The chart below shows that the dividend yield has been higher than 10-year yield until 1960s when the relationship cha...

Tokenized real estate? How it works?

28 Mar 2023 4 minute read 2 comments fmiren

Introduction One of the most talked about topics in the DeFi is NFTs. Though largely known as useless JPEGs to layperson, they can offer some utility. Fractional ownership of real estate where a property is tokenized and offered to investors as NFTs...

Real World Assets

18 Mar 2023 1 minute read 0 comments fmiren

Introduction The crypto industry is known to the layman as a market where only shitcoins and useless JPEGs in the forms of monkeys called NFTs are traded. We know that this is far from the truth. Bringing real-world assets (RWA) onto the blockchain i...