DeFi is made easier to use and safer by Minimax. The Farming Competition is about to begin!


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Hello and good time of the day to you, guys! We love to make detailed reviews of the platforms that have a really huge impact on the crypto community. Today we’re excited to introduce Minimax Finance with all the great features this platform offers.

What’s more, Minimax Farming Competition is on! Great chance to reveal the level of your skills and strategies.

So let’s get through the details of the event and get to know Minimax Finance better!


What’s Minimax Finance?

Minimax Finance is a multi-chain yield aggregators hub, where you can stake, lend and farm crypto - all in one place. The platform has collected vaults from multiple blockchains, DEXs, and aggregators on a single page, isn’t it convenient? 

One of the main things - this platform combines classical trading and farming - you can protect your staking, lending, and farming positions from huge losses and market volatility by using stop-loss, and automatically fixing your profit by using take-profit function. 

Worth noticing Minimax has also partnered with Hacken, a leading cybersecurity agency, in order to make an audit of smart-contracts. A ‘well-secured’ grade was received as the result of the audit. 


Minimax Farming Competition

  • Dates: July 5th - July 25th
  • Prize Fund: 4000 USDT
  • Minimum deposit amount: $100

What is this competition about?

The main idea is to make deposits and get the biggest rewards. The more rewards you earn, the higher the chance of winning a prize. There are two types of prizes: one for those who earn more rewards in absolute terms and the other for those who earn more in relative terms. 

The process looks like this:

  1. You stake or farm tokens in any vaults at the Minimax platform.
  2. You deposit any tokens you like to participate. Please, pay attention that the TOTAL amount of all the deposits together should be $100 or more. 
  3. Placing deposits during the Farming Competition period automatically means you’re already in the game! No additional actions needed. Please be aware that the deposits placed before the competition do not count.

The prizes both for absolute and percent winners are the following:

  • 1st place 1000 USDT
  • 2nd 500 USDT
  • 3rd 250 USDT
  • 4th 150 USDT
  • 5th 100 USDT

The winners will be announced on July 30, 2022. So good luck to you and let the game start!


What does Minimax Finance offer for its community?

Stop-loss and take-profit for each individual deposit. 

You never want your investments to go down the drain. Risks in DeFi have always been significant due to the high volatility of crypto assets.

Therefore, the platform provides the ability to set take profit and stop loss parameters for staking, lending and farming deposits. This way you can save most value of your crypto assets, when the prices fall and automatically fix profit, when the prices go up.

Conversion depositing. 

A fairly new term, what does it mean? This feature enables users to enter any of the vaults with any liquid token. For instance, you can enter the CAKE-BUSD LP token vault without owning either CAKE or BUSD, as Minimax will convert contributed liquidity into the correct asset. That approach removes the need for users to undertake multiple manual actions and streamlines the overall experience. 

The optimal routes for token swap are effectively defined by 1inch DEX aggregator. Tapping some buttons you get the best exchange rates, and what’s more, your single tokens can be bundled into LP tokens or LP token vaults.

Multiple positions. 

There is a possibility to open many positions within the same vault. It means that you can choose various parameters for different positions. This feature gives you more flexibility for managing your funds.

Major blockchains which are introduced on Minimax. 

Here are the blockchains on which Minimax Finance is already available:

  • BNB Chain
  • Fanton
  • Polygon
  • Avalanche 
  • Arbitrum
  • Aurora

Unified interface for all DeFi investments

The number of DeFi applications grows by the hour and it’s getting more and more difficult to manage all the deposits in them. Minimax enables you to enjoy the benefits of multiple platforms while managing your assets in one place. 

Minimax Team works hard to improve the platform - several noticeable updates are released every month. Their goal is to create an application, which makes DeFi very easy to use, safer and more profitable. The progress so far is very good.

The team also has its own blog on Medium, where they cover the things related to their application and general topics like crypto staking, DeFi issues, etc.


Please find below the links to Minimax social media. Subscribe to get updated about upcoming events and new remarkable features: 

Stay tuned and become a part of Minimax community right now! The Farming Competition has already started, take your chance to prove your competence and get nice awards. 

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