Crema Finance raises $5.4M in private round fundraising


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There's a big news that we would like to share with all Crema audience. We are extremely excited to announce that Crema Finance just successfully closed a $5.4M private round fundraising. 

This private round is led by Qiming Venture Partners, with participation from IDG Capital, Apollo Capital, Everest Ventures Group, Evernew Capital, AGE Fund, Big Brain Holdings, LongLing Capital, Summer Capital, Mentha Partners, FineWill Capital, Zonff Partners, Cipholio Ventures, etc.  

Crema Finance is the first concentrated liquidity protocol on Solana mainnet. After a few months' running, it has become a crucial part of Solana's liquidity and swap infrastructure. Now, by having the chance to cooperate with these influential investors, which are some of the best in the market, Crema Finance is strategically positioning itself for an aggressive market position within DeFi and as a key infrastructure builder in non-evm ecosystems. 

The access to capital will grant Crema a solid foundation to pursuit for its long-term vision, continually enhance product power and expand market influence, while creating value for Crema users, supporters and all DeFi audience at the same time.   

We believe this would be a brand new start for a better Crema Finance.


About Crema Finance

Crema Finance is a powerful concentrated liquidity protocol that provides superior performance for both traders and liquidity providers. It deployed the first concentrated liquidity market maker (CLMM) algorithm on Solana mainnet that allows users to add liquidity within their specified price ranges. Crema aims to redefine the capital efficiency and trading depth in non-evm ecosystems through both its CLMM infrastructure and a series of affiliate innovations.

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