Banano Giveaway

By Cryptopeach | Public Thoughts | 30 Mar 2021

Hello, today I'm going to send some Banano to you.

Banano is a NANO fork and you can get your wallet from Kalium:

This will be the first giveaway that I'm doing with Banano, in the future I'm going to do some more.

The rules are:

- The first 10 comments will get some Banano.

- I will pay the first 10 comments in less than 24 hours of the comment posting.

- Just post your Banano address, if you are in the first 10 you will get paid.

Hope this helps spread the word about this excellent coin with no fees and fast transactions.

Edit: All first 10 comments have been paid, the ones who didn't got in time wait for some more giveaways they are coming.

Best Regards,



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