
PacMoon - The social project allowing you to earn with content

As I delve further into the Blast network I will continue to share my findings and experiences in hopes to do my part in bringing this amazing network into the spotlight. If you haven't hopped on board the Blast train yet you can use this Blast Network Sign Up

"Create content about PacMoon, gain points & earn $PAC"

Sounds simple enough, right? Well it is and hopefully after reading this you professional content creators or people that just want to share their thoughts and opinions this project will give you the possibility to earn just by being social.

Join The PAC

Using your X(Twitter) and your fingers...or voice if you prefer video's to create content for Pacmoon, once/if liked by the Pacmoon_ account then opens your tweet to the ability of gaining points based off of views. Later those points will be able to be redeemed for $PAC the community token of Blast. As of writing this, $PAC was sitting at .12 USD.

As with most projects on Blast you have the ability to earn Blast Gold through multiple means associated with  $PAC or by holding and staking to the Blast Jackpot if $PAC is the winner on a block you earn a % of the Blast Gold Jackpot.

If your skeptical check out their districtone, ask questions and familiarize yourself. Make friends. DistrctOne PacMoon Space

Be sure to check out all these X(twitter) accounts with links for their discords to follow as you go down the Blast/Pac rabbit hole and everything inbetween, up, down and around it.

@Pacmoon_ @Blast_l2 @BlasterSwap @DistrictOneIO

If your feeling friendly give me a follow and like this article on Publish0x and X(Twitter) @bogus_theory

You have all those followers, with nothing to lose you can help them drop into the Pacmoon universe of content creating allowing them in return to help their followers.. fueling the future of Pacmoon. The best part of this is anyone can do it, any average joe can create amazing content. Didn't you ever want to be a Content Creating star?




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Anything crypto @bogus_theory

Projects with Potential
Projects with Potential

There's thousands of projects out there and while many have reach their peak, the number of projects with the potential to earn and grow are just as high.

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