Closed/paused AUDCAD + 51 pips before CAD rate news in 45 Min

By RT618 | Probabilities Technician | 9 Sep 2020

Closed/paused AUDCAD+51pips before CAD rate news in 45 Min.

Trade is up 51 pips since entry Tuesday. Good possibility to re enter after CAD rate decision at 7AM this Wednesday morning.


Notice the MACD version I use has red and green dots. These alert when the MACD histogram swings from divergence to convergence. To reenter this trade after news what I'll be looking for is a green alert here. Until news volatility has calmed I'll be on sideline with the 51 pip gain safe. I'll get into links on this MACD alert system a bit later and other simple tools. 

Ok blog #2 here I'm new to publishOx I'll get better as we go, Thanks friends.

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Probabilities Technician
Probabilities Technician

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