Dose of nature

By Flow of Golden Eon | Press Post | 6 Sep 2021

 As promised here are some photos of the trip to the botanical gardens. It truly is a dose of nature. The geometric shapes of the leaves, the flowers are superb! These shots were taken during the golden hour... just before sunset. My most favourite time to photograph almost any subject outdoor. It makes every splash of colour saturated.

Check out the razor sharp jagged leaves! Yes they are as sharp as they look! 

Seed pods

Aloe flowers


Lavender. A great friend who helps calm the children

Razor like leaves


Cute jagged leaves


Locks like some optical illusion, this plant spirals out as it grows


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Flow of Golden Eon
Flow of Golden Eon

Embodying the elements of the natural environment; in full awareness of multiple dimensions and using these as guides to parenthood and beyond. My aim is to nurture and nourish my children in all aspects of self; to cultivate emotionally content children

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