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By PulitzerPen | Precisely | 2 Dec 2023

I sit in silence it eased & soothed my mind suddenly I worship my work too much
Thats the moment I gave space to my thoughts & there realized there was someone special as a matter of fact they had been there all along
Realizing I wasnt late but just on time although time plays its role not every minute in a day will be favorable & there was years pulling against me at the time Precisely when I noticed her I knew she was the one for me Precisely when I puzzled my errors Is when the picture came together  

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I sit in silence it eased & soothed my mind suddenly I worship my work too much Thats the moment I gave space to my thoughts & there realized there was someone special as a matter of fact they had been there all along Realizing I wasnt late but just on time although time plays its role not every minute in a day will be favorable & there was years pulling against me at the time Precisely when I noticed her I knew she was the one for me Precisely when I puzzled my errors Is when the picture came together

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