Fire is Magic

By PulitzerPen | Precisely | 3 Dec 2023

Fire place fiery chimney, the flames flicker, there's something magical about fire too, when the love is so hot between two, it resembles a warm night with you, a heart that's so delicate and warming, far away from all warnings its amazing what blind love does, and a humble connection to recognition at first sight really sparks love. When you can't help what your heart feels is when you go past the above into a realm of hopeful magic that is free, at least thats what it does to me and although there's no proof it all comes with belief, and trust me with that you have everything at a ranged reach from outer space to the coral reefs. Fire is magic you got my heart on flames for a chance at peace. Altho water stops fire, and air stops us to breath, it's beautiful beneath the ocean is proof of that questionable blank sheet, and like snow when it's cold, you bring me a safe heat 🔥☃️🌬️🔥☀️ 

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I sit in silence it eased & soothed my mind suddenly I worship my work too much Thats the moment I gave space to my thoughts & there realized there was someone special as a matter of fact they had been there all along Realizing I wasnt late but just on time although time plays its role not every minute in a day will be favorable & there was years pulling against me at the time Precisely when I noticed her I knew she was the one for me Precisely when I puzzled my errors Is when the picture came together

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