VPN (vicious profit networks)

By ghostm6 | porticofins | 27 Apr 2019

For many of us, if not most, there is a cost involved with internet service. It would seem only logical to have that fee cover 

some sort of privacy but instead more than some internet service providers reach for the opposite direction to make a few

extra cents from tracking their customers.  

For a few months now, we have all experienced the unholy side effect of an inherently flawed system combined with the greed

of the ISPs in the form of an advertising pass rush to sack our quarteback wallets from VPNs that is VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORKS 

or as I like to call them the vicious profit network. 

They went for the goods with an unprecedented gusto which nearly leaves the IRS and Google in the dust...

These suckers are paying thirty to ninety bucks to Verizon,why not make them pay another few to line our pockets? 

Hi, this is Miss Ransom from Nord, Hello, yes, I see you've got a torrent download site, well we've got ad revenue for you! Yes, 

you've been telling everybody about using a VPN and we'd like to get all your users to pay for something after all, nothing is free!

The Nord campaign was everywhere and then some - I figure the undisclosed money they spent would have covered a few cities for

a lifetime of free virtual privacy.

Of course, just like you can't find a complete list of these companies anywhere, you can't actually get total browsing privacy. 

One of these three will be requested or required before you can surf; credit card, electronic mail, or bitcoin address...

Yes, a limited few claim an anonymous process and yet reason or reality tells you it would not take much on their part to figure out

who the account belongs to at any given moment in time. 

What a tangled web we wig and weave when first we practice to determine privacy. 

Personally, my solution -after more than one VPN left my IP exposed - was the Modified versions of APKs.

Some were excellent and I would not argue against going down this road however beware the danger of added elements as well as

the simple fact that most of them won't last for more than a few months at best.  Of course, there is at least one claim that in the case of

Hotspot Shield or Express one can continually reset the trial period with a series of fake email accounts...

In any case, the experience gave me a goodly vast knowledge of the options and styles currently available.

To be clear, my so-called solution did not last, did not make the finish line. Notably, in one ironic instance some file that came along with a torrent

deactivated the "illicit" software. 

Hi, this is Miss Ransom, hello, yes from Nord, could you also include this code inside the popular downloads to get us more paying customers,

we'd appreciate that...

I did not use the word conspiracy, but the feeling was akin...

To conclude, I got blisters on my fingers, many thanks especially to FREEDOME AND SAFER, these were the ones I found to be real legit and yet

one could have said the same for my cousin Ghost VPN until they left us non-paying fans only with a toolbar for chrome! Helter skelter!

In the end, I did go for the following nearly free but information required companies for insignificant browsing; Proton, Windscribe, and Bitdefender. 

As for heavier internet lifting, I will presently indicate with parentheses. Not everything is as it should be, but I am hoping this article makes my dear

readers and beyond RISE UP (hint hint) and look through the pages of their VPNbook (hint hint) for a permanent and cost-free solution to a situation

we have all let slide as if this is the way life should be except it really could be otherwise if only we confront and conquer this foolishness with a

moral sense of fair play. No one should be at the  mercy of these vicious profit networks that mostly are nothing more than glorified switchboard





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