My million dollar dream. Pi Network rumors.

By treydongui | Treydon | 27 Oct 2022

 So, have you all heard about the hype surrounding Pi Network in Vietnam? It's been suspiciously popular and even began trending viral at inception. Behind the scenes rumors stoked the hype of "big things to come" for Pi Network.

With Open MAINET drawing near, a turnaround in the crypto trend from bearish to Bullish would be a giant push as well. Timing could be crucial here.


 Here are some bullet points of the biggest "rumors" and weird coincidences that just might lead to that million dollar dream becoming reality for Pi Network Pioneers. Please, feel free to leave a comment on any that I missed or that I'm unaware of.


  • Pi Network created by Stanford Graduates. Legitimate reputations that help ease the fear of scammers. (Ideal rug pull would've been carried out by now I believe)
  • Some of these graduates now educate other leading names in the field. Including Vitalik Buterin
  • Elon Musk also coincidentally attended Stanford although only for 2 days
  • Elon Musk mentioned Pi Network as being a preferred operating system to build upon, as it uses Stellar Consensus Protocol
  • Rumors of a Tesla Pi phone? I cannot confirm this BUT the rumor sure has made it's rounds. Hmmm?
  • Along with Elon Musk connections you will see a possible collaboration concerning Shiba Inu and Pi Network. Looking on Coin Market Cap it shows a crypto called Pi-Inu. When combined with the Elon connections and Tesla/Pi phone being a possible reality, it's not a far stretch to imagine something big behind this combination of networks. Shiba has been mentioned by Elon as well as Pi Network.
  • Pi Network and Amazon partnership
  • Binance listing


 That's a few of the more probable rumors. I'm a Pi Network Pioneer of over 3 years now. It seems as time lingers on Pi Network becomes more of a reality as legitimate connections will begin to come up. I can't help but feel something BIG is coming in our near future and that Pi Network will be a large part of that event.


 Until next time my friends, ✌️



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