Poetry & SPELLing

Poetry & SPELLing

Language - SPELLing - Poetry - Energetic Purging Through Art

Punctionally Precise

30 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Lucid Vibrations

In ALL of my expressions and writings I never once told anyone to harm those who are harming us. WHY? Because I know peaceful withdrawal is much more powerful than physical harm. Those harming us legally cannot exist without our support. The last th...


25 Jan 2021 1 minute read 7 comments Lucid Vibrations

THEY seek to control the pendulum Using “our” energy to influence swing degrees Dependent on “focused collective” energy This why THEY have us focused on “everything except” UNITY.   THEY seek to control the pendulum Using our energy to influence sw...

Wax Museum - Energetic Purging Through Art

21 Jan 2021 1 minute read 1 comment Lucid Vibrations

With so many body guards-it is hard, to keep up the façade!   Like the result of intense light on candle, melting!   Might as well be in a wax museum! Future Colosseum, past relics of today's future past!   THEY are now, fading away like lost memory...

Emotionally Crippled - Defenders Of Slavery

7 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Lucid Vibrations

It is amazing!   How THEY have trained people to defend their own, slavery! Trained to ignore Legal Genocide and the murder of babies!   Like a blind one eyed cyclops, cannot see operation depop!   It is a FACT, THEY are more inaccurate and wack, th...

Freebase TickTock - Energetic Purging Through Art

3 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Lucid Vibrations

“Fake heroes called nurses like to go ticktock… As the clock is ticking! Ticktock as their nuts and titties drop! Might as well be on the corner slanging rocks!   What you do is far worst, injecting aborted fetus in arms just like an intravenous cur...


26 Dec 2020 4 minute read 2 comments Lucid Vibrations

Head down-eyes closed-shut up-mask up-sleeve up-head in the sand ass up-calculate-no questions-OBEY-eat pork then pray!THEY remind me of the Enola Gay! THEY sound like something Biden would say! THEY walk like a zombie! Sporting, the latest Abercrom...

Let The Dead Bury The Dead-Energetic Purging Through Art

25 Dec 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Lucid Vibrations

THEY said it was a conspiracy theory, that the government seeks to LIMIT and DESTROY you and me for joy and a fee! Why then, strokes of PUBLIC destruction by pen? In the name of protection while lying in mental pigs pen!   Children, in other countri...


25 Dec 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Lucid Vibrations

THEY are more shitty, than the Nobel Peace Prize Comity! 5GMO-CITY!   Growing more quickly than Operation Radiation! With no pity for you and me!   More shitty than Mr. Hankey, at least Hankey is funny! Nothing funny about them!   Other than, the la...

Genetically Modified Humans

23 Dec 2020 1 minute read 1 comment Lucid Vibrations

Genetically modified humans-business is boomin! THEY keep steppin, with epi-genetic-bio-weapons! Self contrived like-MRC5!   Like a genetically modified bee-hive and libido! Like Bill Gates vaccine and GMO mosquito’s! Like sniffing synthetic blow! G...

Caesar Can Toss My Salad

19 Dec 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Lucid Vibrations

Caesar, can toss my salad! Rendering money to a thief is, invalid! Like submitting to Legal Slavery! Like succumbing to a beautiful symphony mesmerized by lyrical tyranny of false love ballad!   The “jingle” of slavery sounding like freedom! Mental...