
Plausible Deniability

We can Lie constantly
We can do legal slavery
We can control unconditionally

Plausible deniability!

We can, steal your kids
We can, Perform our bid
We can, justify SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)


Plausible deniability!

We can, enter your home!
We can, shatter your dome!
We can, even, tap your phone!

With, Plausible deniability!

We can arrest even for acting silly!

We can even, arrest you for being a hillbilly!

We can, do whatever desire!

We can, legal liar!

We can.


Plausible deniability!


With limited to no liability!



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Lucid Vibrations
Lucid Vibrations

Healing - Waking Up - Writer - Poet - Photographer - Metaphysics - Reiki - Health - Energy Worker - Activist - Spell Breaker - SPELLing - Linguistics - Magick

Poetry & SPELLing
Poetry & SPELLing

Language - SPELLing - Poetry - Energetic Purging Through Art

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