


I  CHOOSE, to be, in the moment - focused on heart based decisions!

I CHOOSE, to be, highly receptive to SOURCE ENERGY with laser like precision!

I CHOOSE, to be, Connected to Earth!81f08a684c806e517c0cb72792906c463f1b6360000cf2baf6be0dc2866a0c3a.gif

I CHOOSE, to be, in a relationship with mental re-birth!

I CHOOSE, to be, centered, balanced and tethered!

I CHOOSE, to be, in thought...light as a feather!

I CHOOSE, to be, focused on what matters most!

I CHOOSE, to be, in touch with my higher self inner host!

I CHOOSE, to be, in alignment with NATURAL LAW!

I CHOOSE, to be, a value to society!

I CHOOSE, to be, intuitively!

I CHOOSE, to break free from familiarity!

I CHOOSE to be in clarity!

I CHOOSE, to be, what’s considered strange!

I CHOOSE, to be, an instrument of change!

I CHOOSE, to build something new instead of, Re-Arrange!

I CHOOSE to, acknowledge the intelligent life force within stars!
I CHOOSE to, smile at strangers!
I CHOOSE to, notice energy patterns in between spaces!
I CHOOSE to, inform people they are about to fall if they don’t tighten their laces!

I CHOOSE, to dare!
I CHOOSE, to look upon life without glare!
I CHOOSE, to be prepared!

I CHOOSE, to TRUST, the symphony of life unfolding that I cannot fully comprehend...
For the best and worst, feeling as if in the hands of a lost loved best friend.

Feeling as if, whatever was worth it!
In the end.
Then, we CHOOSE do it again...

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Lucid Vibrations
Lucid Vibrations

Healing - Waking Up - Writer - Poet - Photographer - Metaphysics - Reiki - Health - Energy Worker - Activist - Spell Breaker - SPELLing - Linguistics - Magick

Poetry & SPELLing
Poetry & SPELLing

Language - SPELLing - Poetry - Energetic Purging Through Art

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