What are Flare Tokens?

What are Flare Tokens?

By Japakar | PipeFlare | 20 May 2021

What are Flare Tokens?
Posted On May 19, 2021
Flare Tokens, also known as “Flares”, are the native currency of PipeFlare and the games on our platform.

Question 1: are Flare tokens tradable?

Not yet but soon. We are researching the best platform to use to issue tradable tokens. Once we decide which platform to use, we will exchange your current tokens 1: 1 with tradable tokens.

 Question 2: What are FlareDrops?

We will have monthly releases, also known as FlareDrops, which will be distributed to all Flare Token holders. The Airdrop will be distributed in proportion to the amount of tokens you own. For example, if we launch a $ 5000 USD Airdrop and you own 1% of the total Flare, you will get $ 50 USD.

Question 2: What else can I do with my Flares?

You will be able to use your Flares to purchase / upgrade items in games, customize characters, purchase monthly subscriptions, donate to independent game developers, and more.

Question 3: How do I get more Flares?

Currently, you can earn your Flares by playing games, making it into the top 100 of the game leaderboards, saving your Flares, participating in FlareDrops, and claiming your free daily Flares through the Faucet.

Question 4: Do Flares have a dollar value?

Currently, Flares do not have a dollar value, but they will once we place them on the blockchain. We recommend getting as many Flare Tokens as you can now while the price is low.

Question 5: Where do I keep my Flares?

For now we will store your tokens for you. Once we put the tokens on a blockchain, you will need to store them in your own wallet. Join our “Discord” community and social media to get notified when we launch our tradable tokens. If you want to earn some Flare Tokens, check out our blog. You can start earning tokens directly on our games page.

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