How to Keep Your Password and Seed Secure

How to Keep Your Password and Seed Secure

By Japakar | PipeFlare | 20 Feb 2021

There’s a 68% Chance You’ll Lose Your Cryptocurrency Posted On August 8, 2020

After talking with 250,000+ crypto users, I’ve learned that the top reason you’ll lose your cryptocurrency is forgetting your wallet password or seed phrase

You hear about scammers and thieves trying to steal tokens, but you’re much more likely to lose your own tokens than have them stolen.

The question is, how do you keep your password and seed phrase secure without having to pay for an expensive app?

Well, you’re in luck. PipeFlare has partnered with the world’s leading password and seed phrase storage tool – Dashlane. For a limited time, you can get Dashlane completely free.

Dashlane is an app that lets you store your passwords, seed phrases, and other sensitive information AND sync them across all of your phones and devices.

The PipeFlare team has negotiated exclusive access to our community members – for free. This is a limited time offer, so act quickly.

Download Dashlane for free today and secure the passwords and seed phrases for all of your wallets and exchanges. 

Don’t wait, because losing your credentials can cost you a small fortune.


P.S. Don’t think it can happen to you? Reddit is filled with examples of users who didn’t secure their information. Don’t end up in a desperate situation.

Download Dashlane Completely Free


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Just a regular guy into crypto and getting other regular folks into it.


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