Browse2Earn - Decentr

By Philomath | Philomath | 13 Apr 2024

Today I gonna tell you about Decetr web3 browser which is a browse2earn model. You can monetize your time  and browsing data you'll be rewarded with $dec token. Unlike those traditional browsers will pay nothing for your time and the data they collected from your browser.

The Decentr browser uses758483e91808e44d903bb93406009f38f5ca142e8ebd8a569232645fc638b5b5.png


The PDV converts into $DEC which utilizes your data randomly which you need signup with 24 seed phrase  nothing PII ( Personal Identifiable Information) is linked to your account. No KYC needed or personal information just wallet address and rewards transfers automatically to your wallet address and it's in the begining phase get in now.

Here is my invite link Signup Here


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