Mining To Cure Cancer ⛏️

Crypto With A Cause

I have been dabbling in the crypto and mining area of the internet a lot lately. And from this, I have found a lot of great projects to try and take part in. This time I am not writing about NFTs or ways to utilize items from within crypto games. No, today I have something different to talk about.

Through playing around in the BANANO community, I found my way to their monKey Mining project. This is not to be confused for mining on the Alienworlds blockchain game in the name of the monKeys. The mining I am talking about actually requires CPU and GPU usage in order to gain anything from it.

There is a large project called Folding@Home that is using the CPU and GPU from others to help break down protein simulations, which are then being used to help cure cancer. I know from a high level it sounds like a bunch of phooey, but if you understand how using your GPU for mining works, it might make more sense.

I will admit, installing the Folding@Home and registering with the BANANO team took a bit and required some focus to make sure I set everything up correctly the first time around, but once it was all set up and running on my computer, it simply runs itself (if you want it to, that is).

You can choose if you want to use CPU, GPU, or both. And from there, you can choose how much power you want to dedicate to the mining endeavors. You can even choose if you want the miner to run while you are working on your computer or while you are idle. So you can see there are a lot of different ways to decide to run the program. You just need to find what works best with your hardware and your schedule.

F@H will work to complete a "Work Unit". Once you complete a WU you will be rewarded with points and a certificate that states you completed a WU for the project trying to cure cancer. On top of these points, the BANANO team is dropping $BAN rewards to members of the team that are completely WU in the name of the BANANO team. I got my first airdrop today of 144.05 $BAN. Not an incredible amount, but it feels cool to get fun crypto for helping cure cancer.


I didn't realize this application keeps running until you tell it to stop. So you really want to make sure you pay attention to how much you are running it and how much of your computers' resources it is taking up. Your hardware will certainly get very hot while this is running, so make sure you're keeping an eye on that. The better equipment you have (more CPU or GPU power) the faster/more points you will get for completing a WU.

Right now I am getting about 65,000 points in a 24-hour period if I decided to run the whole time. As a rule of thumb, GPU tends to produce a lot more points than the CPU. The GPU earns about 20x more points than the CPU from what I have seen. But again, a lot of it could be variable just depending on what hardware combination you are using.

I don't think this would be considered a great way to collect BANANO. There are plenty of less resource-intense methods to earning BANANO. The point of this project is to use the power of mining and crypto to help motivate us to want to help donate our time to cancer research!

If you are familiar with the BANANO community and hold the $BAN token works, you will be familiar with how to get your $BAN and how to send it to other places if you choose. I keep mine in my Kalium wallet for right now, but once I find a good cause to send them toward, or once $BAN gets listed on a more popular exchange, I will just keep HODLing.

What do you think? Do you dedicate your resources toward any good cause? Do you plan on doing so now that you know projects out there exist?


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Snarf, but with a hint of #crypto

Personal Finance and Investing
Personal Finance and Investing

I really enjoy talking about personal finance. I like to share my insights with others' as well as learning from others. I also like to share my financial and investing journey with other people.

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