Behold The monKey Miner! 🐵⛏️

Back to the salt... Err... TLM mine.

I seem to be getting very lucky when it comes to winning these monKeys! Even our very own @PVMihalache has sent something my way! (Again thank you!) And today I even won the 36th monKey card in the series. The monKey Miner! 🐵⛏️





It was actually pretty fun how it all went down and how I did end up winning this card. This is the first time I took part in a spontaneous event to win something!


I was scrolling through the Telegram group for the monKeys and then a post appeared mentioning there was going to be a card reveal on Discord. I hurried over to the minKey Discord server and patiently awaited any next clues.



I started seeing a lot of servers come alive with notifications so I decided to dig in deeper. In the main chat room if the server there were a bunch of users posting and partying and tipping each other. I decided to join in on the fun to and ended up winning about 50.8 $BAN for my efforts. But none of this compared to seeing the card reveal channel light up! We all got to see Soggys new monKey Miner art for the new card and it was great! But how do we get it?


We all high tailed it to the giveaway channel to find that it was blocked from us posting within it. But down at the bottom we could see the admin actively typing a message. This gave us hope! Something good was coming our way for taking part in this adventure.


The admin shot of the first message and it gave detail for us. It stated that the chat was about to open up for roughly 10 minutes. During that time we needed to post our WAX address (fwfay.wam) into the chat. This would allow them to send us the new monKey Miner card that had been revealed to us. We had to make sure we only posted our addresses just once other wise we would be disqualified. I managed to be the 7th post after the channel opened up! I was hoping this would give me the #7 mint, but I was not that lucky.


The reward was sent would within the next ten minutes after the giveaway channel closing again. I was super surprised I got to see my reward that quickly. This has now added to my humble like of monKey cards. All I can do now is keep collecting.


This is a great example if why it is fun and important to engage in the community around these crypto projects. You never know what type of stuff you will become part of and what type of things you can win for yourself!


Happy NFT collecting!

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Snarf, but with a hint of #crypto

Personal Finance and Investing
Personal Finance and Investing

I really enjoy talking about personal finance. I like to share my insights with others' as well as learning from others. I also like to share my financial and investing journey with other people.

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