300 of drones light up Seoul night sky with coronavirus advice

By Permabull | Permabull | 8 Jul 2020

The night sky over the Han River in Seoul (Capital of South Korea) lit up with more than 300 drones performing a wonderful synchronised light display to remind their citizens of COVID-19 prevention advice.


Globally, more than 12 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus have been reported and more than 549,000 people have died during the coronavirus pandemic. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


Stay safe peeps and wash them hands!

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Saw crypto as a way to make some cash, a get rich quick scheme. Learned about the tech and will stay in forever. Watching the GOV spending in 2020 made me realise how fiat is controlled way too much and becoming worthless be a minute. Bitcoin for the WIN!


Born to be bull.

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