Tell Me Why part 2

By Spazz | Peace+Love=Anarchy | 2 Jul 2019

I remember when the hardest thing in life to take

was gettin your favourite toy taken away for the day

eating everything on my plate, and doing chores 

Now I was a free spirit, just wanting to play

but little did I know it the older I got the more I forgot how to be so innocent in thought

overtaken by greed because of the power of money

the world is hell because of it there’ll always be the needy 

the hardest thing in life sometimes is to live it out

you can be in doubt, but you’ll only be foolin yourself 

I pray to God that it gets better sooner then never cause I don’t wana ever survive in a nuclear winter

can someone tell me why life is a flash in the mind. Like in a blink of an eye we are born and than we die

I just want to be that kid again running the streets. With no cares in the world and no shoes on my feet.

Why, now tell me why do we leave loved ones behind when we die it’s the end of the line

so can you tell me why, the darkened sky tends to cry, people struggle to get by and realize the hardest thing on earth is life now tell me Why.....



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