Passive income with your bandwidth!

Why you should sell your bandwidth
the reason why you should sell your bandwidth is that normal internet activity won't even come close to your resident max bandwidth or if you don't have a bandwidth cap it would also be a great option.

so where can I sell them ?

well, there is a hand full of companies that allows you to sell your unused and with like: FluidStackPacketStreamHoneygainPrivatixMysterium Network, and LoadTeam.

I'll talk about them in more detail below:


FluidStack is one of the newer players in the bandwidth buying industry, and they operate as a CDN to distribute content to users from nearby networks to increase page load times and overall user experience.

Once you signup and install FluidStack’s software, they will detect when your computer is idle and use your bandwidth/system to serve content.

the whole idea of their platform is to only use your computer when it’s idle and to limit how much power you end up using.

In general, here is how their bandwidth speed to payout ratio works:

  • 10MB/s upload speed – $5/month
  • Faster speeds – $10 per 100MB/s
  • 200 MB/s upload speed – $20/month

Now the only downside of fluidstack would be you need to have an Nvidia GPU and a newer decent's a list of GPU and payment form them:
it's a cloud gaming service paying you by the GPU you have and the bandwidth used.


PacketStream is another peer-to-peer network where people can use other people’s IP addresses. Now they are more or less buying your IP than your actual bandwidth used. and there have been security concerns over it so I would not necessarily recommend it.

PacketStream allows users to become nodes in their network from anywhere in the world, provided you have a residential IP address.

If you sell your internet bandwidth(ip) through PacketStream, you earn $0.10/GB as the software runs in the background of your computer.

PacketStream chargers their buyers $1.00/GB, PacketStream is a bit weak on the buy-side currently(same as honeygain), so your earnings will probably be slow and steady.


Now I recommend honeygain more than packetstream as you get more earning and are generally safer, but people either love it or hate it.

With a global user base and the ability to be run on windows and android devices, which allows you to run it 24/7 on your phone!

However, Honeygain does have a $20 cashout threshold via PayPal, but they only pay $1USD/10GB of bandwidth used.

the buy-side can be pretty limited, so expect a good few months to cash out or click on my link and get $5 for free!(honeygain

Honeygain does allow for multiple devices on the same IP, so if you have some old burner phones it could be worth trying out!



Privatix is another method to sell your internet bandwidth for money or crypto in this case!

altho I would say you need to pay for some gas fee and is harder to setup.

Private software can be run on PCs, Mac, or Linux, and the software is free.

Most of the buyers in Privatix’s network are VPN providers and CDNs. and is trying to make an ERC-20 token around it I believe 

Mysterium Network:

The Mysterium Network provides another option to sell your bandwidth for cryptocurrency, and the concept is incredibly similar to Privatix, but I recommend this over private.

Mysterium functions as a ‘decentralized VPN service,’ with a focus on user privacy/anonymity and end-to-end encryption.

The Mysterium Network is currently running a node pilot project that is available on Windows, Mac, and even the Raspberry Pi. I recommend you run it on the raspi to save power.

they have detailed instructions on their website for installation.

A quick note/disclaimer

selling Bandwidth is not something you should do without thought. please follow your local law/regulations on IP use.

you have no control and sometimes idea what people might use your IP for please be cautious.

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