Swagbucks Earn Money at Paypal and Amazon 

In this article we will see the review of a page with years of operation, which allows us to earn money from paypal as different gift cards doing tasks.

Very good friends, today we bring the review of Swagbucks , a page that has been in operation since 2007 , and allows us to earn money with multiple tasks such as watching videos , answering surveys , making purchases , searching , playing flash games , etc. For each successful job, we will earn points called SB which we can use later to exchange them for money.

To give you some information about the company, I tell you that Swagbucks is managed by the American company Prodege LLC , whose headquarters are in Manhattan Beach (California) . It is a business focused more on the Anglo-Saxon market, but currently it is becoming quite popular for Spanish-speaking users, so we must take advantage of it since the site can be configured entirely in Spanish .



Swagbucks: «Features»

Assessment: starstarstarstarstar

Language: Spanish, English, German, French.

Accepted countries: All the world.

Payment methods:   

Minimum payment:  $ 5 (700 SB).

Proof of payment: In process.

Extension: You can install the Swagbucks extension in your browser to save money on your online purchases. Add it from Here >>

Referrals:  1 level and we earn 10% commissions. We also earn  300 SB points for each guest who gets their first 300 points in the first month and another 100 SB when our referral adds the extension on their computer or laptop.

Important: To register with Swagbucks, use the same email as your Paypal .



Swagbucks: «Video Tutorial»

↓ If you want to register, enter the web  

• You can enter Swagbucks from the banner below or  click Here >>



Swagbucks : «Register»

To register for free in Swagbucks, you can do it from the banners that appear in this article. By clicking, it will take them to the registration form and they will only have to fill in the information requested, such as their email and password. They also have the option to register with their Facebook account. Later, check your email as they will send you an email to confirm your account .



Swagbucks : «How to earn SB Points»

Our main job at Swagbucks will be to obtain as many points as possible, since we can exchange them later for money to paypal or amazon gift cards. Within Swagbucks, we can find many ways to get points which we can find in the menu on the left that says "Earn your SB" .


✔  Buy: In this section we can find different online stores where we can obtain discounts for making a purchase in the cashback styleand thus begin to earn sb points in our balance.


✔  Answer: By entering this section, we can find different categories to earn points by answering surveys, which are:

Gold surveys

Peanut Labs Surveys

Daily Poll (answer a question and earn 1 SB point)

Activities (Figure Eight Company Tasks)


✔  Discover: Section in which we can earn more points working on different offer walls. The tasks to be carried out are generally to see ads, answer surveys, download applications, watch videos, register on pages, etc.


✔  Search: Swagbucks has its own search engine which allows you to earn points for using it. The earnings will depend on the benefits obtained by the web through the searches carried out by users.


✔  Play: We also have some games which allow us to earn points when we make a purchase on them. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, the points are credited to you anyway.


We also have some extra options to add more points such as:

✔  Swag code: It is simply a matter of placing a code to score points. These codes can be found both on the blog and on Swagbucks social networks. We can also obtain them through the extension that works for Chrome and Firefox browsers .


✔  Daily goal:  It is about meeting certain objectives within a certain time. For example, if we complete 30 points in less than 15 hours we will receive 3 additional points .



Swagbucks : «Referral System»

Swagbucks offers us an excellent one level referral system with no width limits. That means that we can invite and make this business known to the people we want, the more people we invite and work on the platforms, the more points we will get.

The commissions that we can obtain through this system are very attractive and are the following:

We earn 300 points when our referral gets its first 300 points before the first day of the following month. Your referral also gets that extra bonus of 300 points. This bonus is applied during the first week of the following month.

In addition, we earn 10% commissions when our referrals work in the Buy, Search, Play, Reply, Discover sections  .

Lastly, you can earn 100 SB by sharing Swagbutton's url (the extension) . Once Swagbutton is installed, you will be eligible for the additional 100 SB within 14 days .

Remember that you can use our Affiliate section to promote this same article with your personal link and thus be able to get referrals more effectively.



Swagbucks : «Gift Cards»

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, our job will be to get as many SB points as possible and later exchange them for prizes , in this case gift cards with money in Paypal as in Amazon. Depending on the country you are, you can find more prizes or gift cards.

From the menu, if they go to the option that says "Redeem your SB" , it will take them directly to the section to exchange their points.


As you can see, each gift card has its cost in SB points. In the case of wanting to charge by Paypal, they must have at least 700 SB points to get $ 5 in their account.

Important to know that the money will be sent directly to the Paypal account associated with the same email that they used to register with Swagbucks . That is why when creating your account in Swagbucks, they must use the same email that they used to create their account in Paypal. Your first and last name must exactly match your PayPal account information and your PayPal account must be verified .


Well folks, that's it for  Swagbucks Earn Money at Paypal and Amazon . We hope you like this page and can make good profits. They already know that any questions or queries can be left in the comments. A greeting.

Defeat the Crisis !!


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• You can enter Swagbucks from the banner below or  click Here >>

Swagbucks Earn Money at Paypal and Amazon

If you have any questions, comment at the bottom of the web, as soon as I read it I will reply.

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