GreenPanthera Get $ 5 FREE Bonus

GreenPanthera get the bonus of $ 5 Free just by registering and earn more money doing surveys, because in GreenPanthera they send us surveys every day.

Very good to all, today we are going with a survey portal somewhat different from the others since in this portal, unlike others, they will send us surveys almost every day of the week, so with a little mischief and experience, little by little we can get payments.

GreenPanthera according to certain information obtained belongs to the company A&K international INC. which was founded in 2012, is located in the United States and appears to have been operating since late 2014 or early 2015.

As I have previously commented, it is a survey portal somewhat different from those that we have already been working with previously such as ACOP , FutureTalkers  or Myiyo  since this is not a market research portal like the previous ones, but rather it is in charge of collecting Surveys from different portals and provide them to users registered on the platform, this is the reason why we have surveys to carry out almost every day, which is one of the characteristics of this portal.


GreenPanthera Get $ 5 FREE Bonus «Features»


Assessment: starstarstarstarstar

Language:  Spanish, English, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, etc ...

Accepted countries: Much of Europe and Latin America, in addition to the United States and Canada. (Better to enter and see if your country is).

Duration of the survey: It can vary from 5 minutes to 30 or 40 minutes.

Payments for surveys:  Between $ 0.70 and $ 3. (Depends on the duration of the same) .

Payments for referrals: We earn 10% of what our referrals generate.

Pay mode: PayPal

Conditions to request payment: We need to get at least $ 30 to request payment.

Proof of Payment: Yes 1st View >>  2nd View >>  3rd View >>  4th View >>  5th View >>  6th View >>

Others: Surveys take a few days to validate, so do not worry, go and then pay them all at once!


GreenPanthera Get FREE $ 5 Bonus «Video»



  ↓  If you want to register, click here  




GreenPanthera Get the $ 5 FREE Bonus "Operation"


We find several ways to work GreenPanthera since in addition to the surveys it allows us to make purchases with the Cashback modality (Return of balance on certain purchases) and also offers us discount coupons for different stores, but we are going to use GreenPanthera for to conduct online surveys and earn money by conducting such surveys which is the main feature that interests us.


To start using this portal we have to fill out our personal profile in just two steps and in the third we have already started working:

1º- Firstly, we have to press where it says "Personal Account" , which is located in the upper right part of your screens, just below the balance.

2º- Once the data is filled when we give it to save, they send us an email informing us of these changes and with a link in which we have to press and that validates the saved data. (At this point is when they give us the $ 5 FREE).


3º- Now that we have the validated account we can start to carry out the surveys that are being sent to us, for this we have to click again where it says "Personal Account"  >> "Earn Money" and that is, if we look at "Personal Account »It  is there where we have a second personalized menu for each of us where we find the following options:

  • Invite your friends: Here we have our referral link.
  • Earn Money: In this option we find all the surveys that we have available.
  • Withdrawal: From this option we can request payments.
  • Transactions: Here we see a list of all the profits that we are generating as well as the withdrawals.
  • Personal Data: This we have seen at the beginning and it is the one that we have to fill in to give us the $ 5.




GreenPanthera Get $ 5 FREE Bonus «Others»


Unlike other similar portals in GreenPanthera surveys usually arrive every day.

The surveys can be found on the platform itself, but they are also sent to our email so it is not necessary to be entering all the time to see if any are available, but what is recommended is  that when a survey reaches our mail let's try to do it as soon as possible.

Although it is not valid for everyone, it is available in many countries both in Latin America and Europe and others, it is recommended that you try to see if yours appears among those admitted.

Finally, say you can all put your GreenPanthera affiliate link in the Affiliates >> My Personal Links section , so that in this and other articles your referral link will appear.


Well guys and I think that everything has been said about GreenPanthera, if you have any doubts, inconveniences or anything else, you know that here below you have the comments and everything that comes up will be discussed.

With nothing more to say, Greetings to all and Defeat the Crisis. Aúpaaaaa !!!!


  ↓  If you want to register, click here  



GreenPanthera Get $ 5 Free Bonus

If you have any questions, comment at the bottom of the web, as soon as I read it I will reply.

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