Ask Questions on COVID-19 Pandemic, and Earn a Reward

By Debesh Choudhury | Pandemic Truths | 6 Mar 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has been prevailing for more than two long years.

There was a suspected new coronavirus during the last few months of 2019. The global citizens could not find any time to think or decide. The World Health Organization announced a new COVID-19 pandemic.

The governments started to impose lockdowns on the everyday lives of the people. Shutting down manufacturing and businesses worldwide forced many people incomeless.

Most governments forced plenty of restrictions on citizens' lives. People have been enforced the experimental COVID vaccines without completing proper clinical trials.

The mainstream news media are still fearmongering the global citizens about the fatality of the new COVID-19 virus. They are also hiding the adverse effects of the experimental vaccines.


Global citizens have plenty of questions about the COVID-19 pandemic

When people raise questions about it, they are either censored or shadowed in the mainstream Internet media. Several expert virologists, including the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone.

But, there are many burning questions about the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns, and the new experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

We can easily guess and understand the vested interests of the pharmaceutical industry and the health sector businesses. They are the front runner to earn billions of dollars by selling testing kits, medicines, hospital services.

If the governments and the mainstream news media don't allow discussions and deliberations among expert virologists, vaccine researchers, and medical doctors, how will the common mass get the correct guidance?

We can't accept that government-employed experts know the real truth about the fatal virus, and all other experts who are not government-employed or endorsed don't have any knowledge.


Ask a question about the COVID-19 pandemic

We, the common mass, have many questions in our minds. But we generally don't raise it. I think we have the right to ask questions.

Today, I invite you all to my article on ReadCash and encourage you to ask questions about the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and any other directly related topics on the COVID-19 pandemic problem.


Graphics: Animation created with a modified Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels (unfortunately, Publish0x doesn't display GIF).

As a busy blogger, you may ask me,

"Why should I ask a question? What will you do with the questions?"

  • I will not answer your questions or write any reply from my understanding.

  • I will pass on these questions to the expert virologists, vaccine researchers, and medical doctors in the Odysee-dot-Com community. Thus, we may expect to get replies from the expert community of medical professionals.

The freelancing experts who are not governments servants are qualified to provide unbiased answers to our questions about the COVID-19 pandemics.


I attach a reward element with this question (comment), writing "challenge" on the COVID-19 pandemic

Most of you may like to call it a "Challenge." I may also term it a commenting-induced fun game with tipping rewards to the selected awardees.

Whatever you like to call it, I invite you to join this question generation game.

Token rewards will be distributed following a thumb rule described below.

  • I shall take out 25 percent of the total random reward received in this very article from the platform's rewarding bot.

  • I shall select three commenters randomly using a program.

  • The 25 percent of the random reward will be equally distributed to the three randomly selected commenters.

Hold on. There will be more on the rewards!

  • If a generous member tip $10 or more, then 25 percent of that tipped amount will also be included in the reward calculation.

Not only that! We will bring some other engagement-induced benefits.

  • I will hand-pick five commenters and invite them to my video podcast as a guest.

  • We may indulge in a collaborative exercise on blogging and content creation.

  • If you are from a tech background, we may also initiate collaboration.

Rules and eligibility for the rewards:

  1. You must have a user account on ReadCash.

  2. You should have a custom profile pic.

  3. You should have a custom "bio." I don't like "No bio yet" profiles!

  4. Your question should be grammatically correct in English and not plagiarized text! But, DO NOT attach any plagiarism checking report.

  5. You may submit multiple questions (comment), but your user name will be entered as an entry only once in the random draw.

  6. There should be at least 30 valid commenters (entries). Otherwise, the "challenge" game will be canceled.



Mind it, I am a human "rewarder," so don't speculate too much

I am sharing the comment writing "challenge" here on Publish0x If any one of you are not yet a member of ReadCash, please click this link and register for free, i.e., join ReadCash, and shoot your question as a comment on the article at ReadCash.

So, just compose your thoughtful question on the COVID-19 pandemic as a comment.

  • Do you think that the rewarding formula is not interesting?

  • Do you think that the question generation exercise is not worth it?

Write your opinions starting with the word "Opinion" and help me sort the comments using a program.

  • Let's hope the article receives enough attention for algorithmic tips from the platform. Then, the rewards will be noticeable.



I have been practicing STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for many years. I create solutions for password and cybersecurity relevant to blockchain and cryptocurrency.

If you like, you may follow my writing communities and submit relevant articles:

Thanks to my sponsors, whose names appear in the "Sponsor" pannel.

I wish all members of the blogging community strive here and elsewhere.



Originally posted on,

Cheers! Debesh Choudhury

Join me at OdyseeLinkedInTwitternoise.cashand Facebook

Text Copyright © 2022 Debesh Choudhury — All Rights Reserved


Thumbnail Image: Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels (modified with added texts).

Disclaimer: All texts are mine and original. Any similarity and resemblance to any other content are purely accidental. The article is not advice for working online or offline. Do your research before adopting any working options.

March 06, 2022.

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Debesh Choudhury
Debesh Choudhury

I am a solution architect for Digital Identity, Data Privacy, Password & Cybersecurity, Distributed Ledgers, IoT, a researcher & academician of Electronics, Computer Eng. & IT, an Entrepreneur & Tech Blogger.

Pandemic Truths
Pandemic Truths

Discuss research topics and news on COVID-19, pandemic, lockdowns, and vaccines.

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