Time is the plume of ash from a volcano that obscures and blocks the sun.
It is a floating, smoky menace.
You can read the circumstances behind the song in the article Message in a Bottle, if you're interested. The lyrics are pasted below. Since there's no point in repeating the story, I'd like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to my subscribers, new and old. I am genuinely appreciative of every second every person spends listening to my music, or reading my articles. The last article alone inspired 4 or 5 people to subscribe. Welcome, and thank you.
It's a tiresome bit of spiritual housekeeping, and if you're here, this next part doesn't really apply to you. If you're already here, the chances are low that you need to be enlightened on the disproportionate representation of prideful mediocrity in favor of people with genuine talent and ability in Western society today. It's gotten so bad that even sports are not immune. Suffice it to say, if you think the possibility of nuclear war is bad, consider that it will just be finishing the job the hateful, mediocre hypocrites began. Like Noah's flood.
On fire.
But let's get to the point, so we can all move forward with the day. Time is indeed a floating menace. If you're still reading, thanks again.
I'm not going to repeat myself (I've written the article at least a dozen times), but suffice it to say, there is a reason I disable the comments on this blog. It's the same reason I left the country. Fill in (clog) the lines of this sentence with whatever cultural sewage you like. 15 years of living on tips in the parking lot is my limit. It's all the same to me.
The AI-generated music video at the top of this article received a disparaging comment and a downvote, undoubtedly by a person who likes to quote Matthew 7:1 to Christians, while pretending verse 2 doesn't exist. When Jesus said, "Judge not, that ye be not judged" in verse 1, He followed it up by saying, "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” It goes for everybody. Jesus washed my sins away, so I took the comment down, so that the commenter wouldn't have to bear the weight of it any longer than a couple hours. However, Jesus also told me to leave the U.S. before the 2020 election, and never to look back. Because, my friends, the boomerang of judgment ye (or your neighbor) have thrown is on the return leg of the trip, and having my livelihood outsourced to a social-media algorithm that can be actually affected by one person is not a system I am able, or willing, to respect. I'm not saying that the golden ticket will fall in your lap if you go to my YouTube channel and like the video, but I have learned the hard way that the reason Christ tells us to bless those who curse us is because there is blessing in the blessing, and cursing in the cursing. The monitoring, clingy, hateful spirits of some bitter ex, for example, are HER problem (a her in my case), not mine. I have learned that to pray for your enemies is in fact a HEALING ACTIVITY. When you bless them, you are blessed.
Like most eternal things, it's a paradox to those of us still trapped inside the floating menace. But it's true. While I'm not quite ready to disable the comments on my YouTube channel, the fact that a vast majority of my music videos have no comments, and a few have one or two, does mean that when one cursed person can prevent the world at large from even seeing the thumbnail of a music video with no agenda, a simple poem set to music with some AI-generated images slathered over it like an artificially-flavored frosting,
I will write an article to those who appreciate what I do, and invite them to visit my channel and like as many videos as they feel inclined to. Feel free. If you're like me, and are disgusted and bored by the observation that social media of every kind is hardcore behavior-modification conditioning that trains us to be co-dependent beggars, you will understand that this article is an act of blessing, and not begging. If you don't have a YouTube account, don't bother. I've only been signing up for these things for decades because it's "expected" in my field (what a joke. Oliver Anthony is the exception that proves the rule. That guy should number in the thousands). But the boomerang is coming. It's better not to throw it in the first place, but God is merciful. It can be blocked.
Thank you in advance.
Time is a Floating Menace
Time is a floating menace
My dear heart,
remember our language
only we can speak
Remember our poem,
our love song
softly whispered by flowers and birds
Love will break free
I am an unspoken scarecrow
and you are my muse
wrapped in blankets,
we will start bonfires
under our skin
and observe the fireworks show
sparkling high above us
like a distant ocean floor
Time is a floating menace
slipping toward the drip-dream
Love will break free
©2014 Nathan Payne