L.A. Makes Me Wanna Die

By Nathan Payne | pablosmoglives | 26 Sep 2024

“Liberals can understand everything but people
who don't understand them.”
Lenny Bruce


"L.A. Makes Me Wanna Die" is an instrumental track from my 2008 album, What's The Deal, Bufu Harem?  It tells the story of a space cowboy who escaped the Bufu warlords of L.A. with nothing but a spacesuit and a horse, just before the city burst into flames, descended into anarchy, and fell into the sea.  Because the song is an instrumental, nobody knew that's what it was about until today. 

Including me.

"Bufu Harem" is the militant, homosexual wing of Boko Haram, a benevolent group of Nigerian warlords who perform humanitarian executions on infidels who refuse to convert to the religion of peace.  Bufu Harem fled to the West when they realized homosexuality is punishable by death in Islamic countries.  They settled mainly in New York and California.  Having successfully infiltrated Western institutions with the willful ignoromics and cognitive dissonance required to whine about oppression whilst flouncing down the street in one's underwear, Bufu Harem is now prepared to perform humanitarian executions on infidels who refuse to convert to the sexual orientation of peace.

This is their flag.  I'm sure you've seen it.


What's The Deal, Bufu Harem? isn't available anywhere, because the original title was deemed too hilarious by Bufu Harem.  Humor is a dangerous, patriarchal construct that must not be tolerated.  Straight, intelligence-normative white men are trying to colonize our minds with laughter and good ideas.  I don't get it.

How better to achieve "enlightenment," than to deify our basest instincts?


What's The Deal, Bufu Harem? may never be heard again, but it isn't much of a loss.  I like most of the songs, but the production quality is terrible.  Fortunately, "L.A. Makes Me Wanna Die" is too easy to screw up.  It's just one 5-bar chord cycle on a loop.  A little chorus part w/ 2 chords.  No changes of any kind.  Unless your guitar is bolted to the inside of your pants, there's no way to get it wrong.

The song is also available on the Crown of Spiders collection.

Thanks for listening.

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Nathan Payne
Nathan Payne

I am a songwriter and bandleader who travels the world in search of the golden ticket. http://www.pablosmoglives.com


Replacing my blog at http://pablosmoglives.wordpress.com

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