Rewardy is a popular money making app. It has a global radio app, which will pay users a small amount daily for listening to radio after viewing video and other ads.
Typically a rewardy user can make $0.122 if they listen to the radio for 360 minutes in a day. They also get boost points and watch time. The amount can be withdrawn using Litecoin, Paypal Bitcoin and other options.
Yet some users have noticed that the app either closes automatically when opened or it does not start at all.
In some cases, there may not be sufficient ads for running the app.
However, more often the app just closes automatically though there are plenty of ads available.
Many of the users of Rewardy app have very few opportunities available to make money online and offline so automatic closing is a problem.
It appears that hackers are hacking the smartphone of these rewardy members to monitor the apps and close them automatically to cause losses, waste time.
For example, on 7, 8 October 2024, a user could use the Rewardy Global radio app almost the entire day without any problem.
8 October 2024 was Haryana elections results day in India. The next day onwards, it was almost impossible to use Rewardy Global Radio during the day, it again closes automatically allegedly due to hacking.
Any tips on how the hackers may be closing the app remotely and how to stop the Rewardy hacking will be greatly appreciated.
Rewardy global radio app closes automatically due to hacking
By pcwork | onlinemoneymaking | 10 Oct 2024
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