Welcome to this world where people have zero regards for patience. Patience has been kicked to the curb and they see it as normal to try and bypass process or protocol but life has its way of humbling them, regardless. In as much as we want to skip the process and get to the result as quickly as we can, we won't be able to get the best out of that thing. No matter how much we try, it would never be as nearly good as it should have been, had we waited.
Just imagine trying to put your meal in the microwave. Of course, you are hungry but you have to wait because there is a time scheduled for it to defrost and then warm up. You have the choice of either waiting or eating it like that - which doesn't make sense anyway but then, some might decide to take it cold as it is.
Let's take for instance the gold we have come to admire. Do we know the rigorous fire and process raw gold has to go through just to be able to come out refined and desired? Most of the people we have come to admire right now also went through a process and because we can't see it doesn't mean they were handed things on a platter of gold. All we need to do is to ask them how they did it because skipping a process would always have consequences.
Same thing with going to school. If at the end of the duration stipulated for that class or degree, you want the degree then you have to complete the duration of it. You don't just magically jump from one class to another without going through a process and that process also includes being tested to understand if you have learnt anything. If you failed to complete the process then you would have to repeat the teaching.
Life is teaching and every time you fail to pick the lessons needed for your next level, you would have to repeat them till you learn them. This is why some people repeat a particular experience because they failed to learn about what was needed for the next phase. We have to go through the process to perfect things sometimes. The process is not bad but our attitude towards it is what we need to check and do better with.
The process teaches patience and we know that patience is indeed a virtue we sometimes lack. There is no problem if we have to wait our turn. There shouldn't be a problem in doing all that we have to do but still, wait it out. Waiting it out doesn't mean we have to be inactive. We have to do what is expected of us while waiting for the process to come to pass. A student must study for the exam while waiting to see the result. Do all that you can and allow the process to give to you the things you can't. Your strength is made perfect in the things you go through and when we understand this and have the right attitude to it, then it becomes easier.
We have to go through some things to understand them better because it is an opportunity for us to grow. We need to value the process we are undergoing and how do we show that we value it? That would be through exercising patience.
Patience would come in handy when we understand that we have to focus on our growth. When we understand how determined we should be on our growth, waiting it out would come easier. Skipping the process is to self-destruct. Focus on your growth and keep with you the lessons for every stage.
We need to be better daily. Day by day we have to seek to be better and it involves taking one step at a time. Your dreams would only grow when you also seek to grow on your own. Growing up means we want to leave the level of babies while allowing the process to take place after we have done all we need to do. Babies can dream but they don't have the strength to actualize those dreams, only grown-ups can.
You want a baby then you have to do what you need to do, isn't it? And if you want to adopt as well, there is a process to it... If you grab just any baby then you would have yourself to be blamed when you are arrested for kidnap. Life isn't slow in dishing out the lessons but we are the ones slow in picking out the lessons. Life deals with everyone across various ages. If you don't grow, you repeat the process.
Life is a teacher. Life teaches us process. To create or build something there is a process to it. All these multinationals that we see today didn't attain that height by sudden flight but there was a process they underwent to become desirable today. We need to keep anticipating the lessons that life would throw at us because they will surely come. Most people don't mature fast enough because they are skipping the lessons and running from them. You can't run from life nor can you skip the process. Well... You can skip the process but there is a consequence to it. We always have a choice to make.
Whatever you are going through right now, wait it out if you have done all you needed to do. Understand the process, value it and move on...
This post also appeared here and it's my original work on my blog on [Read.Cash](https://read.cash/@Olasquare/value-the-process-98e8e374).
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.