The Time Is Now.

By Olawalium | Olawalium | 14 Oct 2020


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This is your life and no one would teach you

We have come to learn the hard way too

Pushed against the wall as the goat's popular saying

Now with sharpened teeth, we want revenge

Revenge for all the years of mismanagement

Revenge for all the innocent lives lost

Revenge for all the ridiculed we have endured

From the outside world as we have jokers as leaders

Self-acclaimed leaders who can't even lead their own home

The time is now and we have taken charge

Taken charge to demand accountability

We rose from ashes like the Phoenix

There is no better time than now

Let's strike our fear into their hearts

And know that our voices must be heard

Heard loud and clear with a resounding shout

Demanding for a better life and end to insensitivity

The time is now and what a time to be alive

The time is now and welcome to independence

The time is now and this is our democracy

This Post First Appeared Here.​​​

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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Writer. Motivational speaker. Farmer. Relationship coach. God lover.


God's son. Giver. Motivational Speaker. Relationship coach. Writer. Poet. Football lover...

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