Like Phoenix...

By Olawalium | Olawalium | 3 May 2024


No doubt, we have leaders deeply rooted in greed and selfishness
They care about no one and they go about displaying their senselessness
In most African countries, it is every man for himself, they say
Yet they make everyone in the world to pay
Generally, the world is hurting and easily, it is bruising so badly
Yet, we have those who are meant to protect us turn a blind eye, sadly
While playing politics with people's lives as they amass the wealth to themselves
Amassing wealth they can never exhaust in their lifetime
Something that could have been used to better the citizens at as a while, per time
You ask, how did we ever get to this point?
Everyone wants to get into office to steal money just to better their own side of things
While sticking a knife into other people's side
While in their own closet all the best and choicest things hide
How does stealing from the public coffer turn into a thing of pride?
They make it so popular that it's either people call you a fool for refusing or you join the ride
When are we going to enjoy a form of permanent relief from this bad leadership tide?
Between civilization and development, most African countries leave the gap so wide
We keep praying and calling on God when we don't even do our part
Here we are, hoping for a miracle to come from God right from heaven
The same God we neglected for private gains and greed?
With comfort, luxuries of life and even some weed?
While we still ignore our neighbours with his or her pressing need?
The world have enough for our needs but never enough for our greed
Remember, here we are and there are still few more hurdles to cross
This is the time to be humble, make plans and not the time for pose
Like the Phoenix, let us look back and say, as a country... as a continent, we rose

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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Writer. Motivational speaker. Farmer. Relationship coach. God lover.


God's son. Giver. Motivational Speaker. Relationship coach. Writer. Poet. Football lover...

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