Life Sometimes.

By Olawalium | Olawalium | 22 May 2024


Someone once said that life is like a walking shadow and a poor player that strut and fret his hour upon the stage and his heard no more, is like a tale, told by idiots, full of sound of fury which signifies nothing.

Life is a constant struggle sometimes. Life can come at you in different ways and you are just left deflated. There is no room for giving up and not trying. It takes resilience to live in such a world as this. Nothing comes easy and we have to constantly fight for what we want in this life.

As a Christian, even God didn't say it would be easy, but He promised us that it would be worth it. Keep calling on God, but keep rowing to the shore. We always have a part to play in the grand scheme of things. God will always send the rain, but make sure you prepare your field. God will do what He can do but we need to do our part too. We all want things easy, and who doesn't? I'm not different too.

No one likes being part of the process but we all want the end product. Life sometimes doesn't work the way we want but in the end when we persist, things get better in the end. Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes but there is also certainty with getting reward for efforts put in.

When things are not going the way we want, it's easier for people to think we are not trying. The struggle is hard and people don't see when you are trying unless there is a result to show for it. Be careful when you judge people and think they are not giving their all when you don't know the struggle they are dealing with.

Keep working harder and let your results speak but there is no result without effort. There is a place where you have to give the sweat before you can taste the success. It calls for resilience because nothing comes so easy in this part of the world.

You have come too far to give up so, don't give up, because you are close to the finish line. Stay with it and very soon you won't hear those critics over the applause you will receive. God's got you...keep pushing.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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Writer. Motivational speaker. Farmer. Relationship coach. God lover.


God's son. Giver. Motivational Speaker. Relationship coach. Writer. Poet. Football lover...

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