It Has Been Far Too Long.

By Olawalium | Olawalium | 15 Oct 2020


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We have watched for too long

We danced to oppression with a song

Degrading us with a shameful gong

Caucus they formed, we are not among

Looting us, they still don't see the wrong

Our resources, to the drench they wrung

They said we'd only shout, nothing more

Yes, they were right because that's all we did

Good starting point yet in the end bought over

Divided within ourselves due to greed

Many are ready to sell their souls for money

Throwing away our fights and our sweats

They would rather trample on us to get ahead

Left us all to hang on the dryer and bled

Have you forgotten the blood others shed?

You are proud because you have bread

How many people with it have you fed?

Only to the land of corruption have you led

Outsiders see roses with fragrance on our bed

Underneath, away from prying eyes, we see red

Red - the blood of innocent lives that have been wasted

This Post First Appeared Here.​​​

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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Writer. Motivational speaker. Farmer. Relationship coach. God lover.


God's son. Giver. Motivational Speaker. Relationship coach. Writer. Poet. Football lover...

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