Your mind is clouded just as your thoughts are
You wish you could undo some of the mistakes of the past
Your mind wouldn't stay at peace because you knew you could do better
Better than the experiences that life threw at you
Better than the steps you took and the voice of caution you didn't heed
You felt you knew better but life showed you how wrong you were
Alone, battered, defeated with tears soaked face
Buried beneath the sheets with a heavy pillow filled with sweat
Your conscience echoes thunder; louder in your head and ears
Indeed, there is no higher court than the court of conscience
We are daily condemned to that judgement in our heart
We wish to do better, think better, act better and even see better
Life has its way of humbling us and teaching us
It's left to us to take them and do act upon them by doing better
Each step, each action and every single thought counts
What you go through even the mistakes, makes you stronger
It depends on how you take it and your attitude to it
Still, for every wrong turn we take, our conscience screams louder... For those who still have them
Life is a bundle of experiences and we would always make mistakes. Mistakes are part of life and we can only try to minimize them. There is no one without mistakes and for many of the people we have come to admire these days, they would tell you they made a bucket load of mistakes but still, they kept at it.
Your conscience would always judge you when you make a wrong turn, when you know you should have done better but rather than be caged by it, learn the lessons needed and try to do better. There is always a next time, I think but most people don't always have the next one when they have exhausted too many chances. We don't have a lifetime to keep making every mistake but we have the time to at least learn from it.
Most people are dead to their conscience but don't be like them. We are humans and we should always do better. Apologize where there is a need and learn to quickly move on from it.
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.