Ways to boost your business with GAFA crypto

Metaverse and on-chain gaming are the newest trends in the blockchain industry. Gafa Token capitalizes on these trends by providing players with access to the full potential of blockchain-based gaming. The Gafa ecosystem is powered by the GAFA token, the project’s native cryptocurrency, which also enables users to interact with the main Gafa products. Businesses and private persons can accept GAFA payments and donations using NOWPayments.

Ways to boost your business with GAFA crypto

Key points:

How GAFA token benefits your company?

Gain control over your money

Gain control over your money

Companies may have better financial control with the aid of GAFA. The majority of firms choose to hold their cash and handle their payment processing through banks. However, this has the drawback of giving banks control over their money. Significant risks that go along with this include businesses not being able to withdraw their cash quickly. On the other hand, GAFA crypto holders can retain complete control over their funds by keeping them in a non-custodial wallet.

These wallets are shielded from outside influence. Users, therefore, continue to be the exclusive owners of their cryptocurrency and can use it in any way they deem worthy.



These days, people are starting to appreciate online privacy more. Yet, most companies are unable to provide customers with a secure way to pay. However, any business may provide anonymous payments to its customers thanks to the Gafa token.

Users of GAFA can conduct transactions while being confident that there is no one around to gather their personal information. So, businesses now have the ideal chance to provide a confidential method of payment. Basically, GAFA can assist your clients in avoiding disclosing their personal information to outside parties and preserving the integrity of their identities.

No chargeback

No chargeback

The absence of chargebacks is another GAFA advantage. It is a well-known fact that chargebacks are a major hotbed for fraud. Most banks provide a chargeback mechanism that fraudsters may exploit to steal thousands of dollars from businesses.

Companies can use GAFA coin payments as a chargeback-free payment choice. Transactions made via GAFA cannot be undone. Businesses that accept GAFA crypto payments are certain that their hard-earned money won’t be stolen through unethical means.

Low fees

Low fees

Every business strives to increase profits while reducing costs, however, bank fees constitute a considerable obstacle to this. Fees are an expense that cannot be avoided, and businesses have little control over them. As a result, businesses are forced to continuously raise prices to cover fees.

Thankfully, businesses that dislike bank fees now have a viable way to ditch them. GAFA transaction costs are so minimal that it costs less than a cent to send them. By reducing costs, GAFA may provide businesses more control over their prices and other operational processes.

What should I do to accept GAFA?

Businesses and individuals can accept GAFA coins as payment or donations using these tools:

  • eCommerce plugins: These plugins are compatible with PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Magento 2, WHMCS, OpenCart, Zen Cart, Shopify, and Shopware.
  • Payment Link and a PoS terminal: Businesses can use payment link and a virtual Point-of-Sale terminal.
  • Subscriptions: Some companies may deploy special subscription-based payments.
  • API: NOWPayments’ versatile API enables businesses to create custom crypto payment solutions.
  • Payouts: You can send mass payouts as a salary, bonus, reward, or rebate automatically to as many addresses as you wish.

Here is a guide on how a GAFA Payment Link can be created:

  1.  Register a NOWPayments account.

Register a NOWPayments account

  1. Enter your public GAFA token address.

Enter your public GAFA token address

  1. Press “Create payment link.”

Press “Create payment link.”

  1.  Enter the details of your payment link and click “Confirm.”

Enter the details of your payment link and click “Confirm.”

  1. You will receive a payment link that your clients will be able to use by simply scanning its QR code.

You will receive a payment link that your clients will be able to use by simply scanning its QR code.


NOWPayments is a GAFA token payment gateway that lets businesses accept GAFA payments.

Learn more about GAFA

Accept GAFA Payments

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NOWPayments is a stunning service for easy and instant crypto processing. It’s custody-free, zero installation, and maintenance fee and effortless to use. With NOWPayments you get: • custody-free solution; • 40+ cryptocurrencies; • 0.5% transaction

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