How to accept Ravencoin payments in offline stores?

Try Ravencoin payments!  

Ravencoin is by far the most NFT-focused blockchain to ever appear on the market. Ravencoin is built on the original code of Bitcoin, yet has additional mechanics designed specifically for transferring assets as seamlessly and securely as possible. RVN, the native coin of Ravencoin, works to provide utility on the blockchain including by serving as a means of paying for the issuance of NFTs. The efficient blockchain enables RVN to act as a perfect payment method that offline and brick-and-mortar stores will find particularly useful. You can accept RVN coin payments using NOWPayments.

How to accept Ravencoin payments in offline stores?

Key points:

How crypto can be accepted in brick-and-mortar places?

The process of accepting cryptocurrencies as payment in a brick-and-mortar store is not much different from the usual credit card payment flow, only that it is much simpler. NOWPayments’ Point-of-Sale terminal is the most convenient tool for store owners. In order to accept payment via a POS terminal, you will only need a device with a web browser to load the terminal page. You can use your personal computer, tablet, or even phone. Next, you will need to specify the total amount of the order. Once you create your invoice, a QR code will be generated which your client will need to scan to confirm the transaction. The payment amount will be credited to your wallet address.

Why is Ravencoin a good payment tool

Drive down costs

Drive down costs

The major source of annoyance for all businesses is, of course, all kinds of fees and charges. Payment transactions are the most common and, hence, the most annoying of them all. Switching to Ravencoin payments can help you escape the need to fork out thousands of dollars annually for paying bank fees.

Ravencoin is intended to be an affordable network. A typical RVN transaction fee is less than $0.1. Therefore, firms that use RVN payments can drastically lower their fee expenses.

Unlimited payments

Unlimited payments

RVN transactions are unlimited, meaning that they are not subject to any kind of restrictions or limits. As a result, you can accept and send any number of Ravencoin crypto transactions and no matter how regularly. What’s more, the Ravencoin network has no cap on the number of coins per transaction.

Subsequently, you can accept crypto payments for orders that are worth millions of dollars or only a couple of cents.

Financial privacy

Financial privacy

Cryptocurrency is a rare modern technology that promotes rather than diminishes confidentiality. The traditional finance industry requires people to disclose their private info at all times by undergoing KYC procedures. In the case of Ravencoin, the user’s privacy is the top priority. This is why users are not asked to reveal any personal info to utilize Ravencoin. Therefore, stores can roll out RVN payments as an anonymous payment method.

Get Ravencoiners on board

Get community on board

Aside from the above-mentioned benefits of Ravencoin, the coin’s most valuable asset is its community. Because the Ravencoin blockchain is mostly utilized for minting NFTs, the news about a company ready to accept RVN as payment may cause a stir in the Ravencoin community. Implementing a Ravencoin crypto payment gateway can offer a new use case for the coin, which, in turn, will attract the attention of RVN users to your business.

Some RVN holders will be thrilled to pay for goods and services with RVN, while others will be happy to post information about your firm on social media.

How can I accept Ravencoin in my store?

NOWPayments provides a vast selection of payment tools. The PoS terminal is the best choice for brick-and-mortar stores. Here is how you can deploy it to receive RVN coin payments:

  1. Sign up for NOWPayments.

Register on NOWPayments

  1. Enter your RVN token payout address.

How can I accept Ravencoin in my store?

  1. Navigate to “Payment tools” and click on “POS Terminal Link.”

Navigate to “Payment tools” and click on “POS Terminal Link.”

  1. Select an API key, choose your preferred theme, and come up with your unique URL address. Once you are done, click “Copy link POS Terminal.”

How to accept crypto payments offline

  1. Paste the copied link in the address browser and create your invoice by entering the order total and generating your QR code. Share the QR code with the client and let them complete the transaction.

Scan the QR code

  1. Congratulations on accepting your first RVN payment!


Accepting Ravencoin as payment is simple with NOWPayments. Get paid in RVN in your brick-and-mortar store via NOWPayments’ POS terminal.

Learn more about Ravencoin payments

Try Ravencoin payments!

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