The Ukraine russia conflict is more gray than black and white

By Thingsyousee | The real world | 20 Mar 2022

I am against all forms of war and quarrels but in my goal in trying to understand the Ukraine-Russia conflict, I have gathered some sources of information that I would like to share with anyone who is interested, this list may be updated in the future , as this is a very moving topic, the comment field will be closed as I do not want to start a conflict about what is right or wrong because i am against all forms of conflicts but the more I learn the more gray than black and white this question seems be and the harder it seems to be able to find an end to it.

But one thing I take away from this conflict is that this horrible cancel culture is only getting worse and worse and to protect yourselfe from having your private finances ruined by a mistake, it is not wrong to own as much bitcoin as you possible can.


Thankyou for taking the time!

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