
By NewenX | newenx | 30 Sep 2019

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great day! Here's a piano piece I made yesterday. I got inspired by watching videos on youtube about people saving other people's life, even whey they are strangers. And I think that is awesome, sometimes humans are disgusting, but some other times they can be outstanding beings, some even willing to risk their lives for someone they don't know...those are the REAL LIFE HEROES! I really hope you like it!

Also check my latest song under the name #Loki for #Trap!

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I have loved music since I have memory and I love to share my feelings with the world through my songs. I've been playing in bands my whole life, punk, metal, hardcore, grunge, rock, death metal, etc. But right now I'm making my way as a solo artist with


I'm a musician making a lot of different styles for you to enjoy :)

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