Burns my back


Silently, like this, I accumulate the stones.
calm and not
no one manages to move forward. The hot oil
of the capital
burns my back
to continue. Where? With who?

the therapies of the time
what do my ears hear
but the word

then, like a drug in reverse,
minimal pain anesthesia
each of the things
that I couldn't

morning frost
I know you don't speak
but there was a present,
a full present,
which was very soft

woman's hands
they held my body
a long season
in the middle of a solar plain,
no wind

there will be no calm
this morning
except the drop of water
that overflows the tank
to the garden

the sun doesn't hurt now
nor will it hurt

the sun has
his ladino side,
its appearance of light
it's glassy

There is no case
I know the sun
will continue
like an old memory
maliciously, during each day,
of this stillness

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