Angel of Mine (2019) – Movie Trailer

By ph1102 | New Movie and Game Trailers | 17 Jul 2019

It is interesting how some great movies don't get deserved attention from the general public. I would say that Angel of Mine is one of that kind. Interesting story, intense drama with an awesome cast and great official trailer are promising great film.

The story follows a grieving woman who lost her child and can't bear with that. She is losing her mind and trying to "replace" her lost child with another one... She is stalking another family convinced that her daughter is alive...

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The director of the movie is Kim Farrant, known for movies Between Me (2014) and Strangerland (2015) with Nicole Kidman in the main role. The story and screenplay are written by Luke Davies (Lion (2016), Candy (2006)) and David Regal (Living with Fran (2005-2007), Truth Be Told (2015)).

In the main roles are playing Golden Globe nominee Yvonne Strahovski (TV series Dexter (2012-2013), Killer Elite (2011), TV series Louie (2014)), Luke Evans (Dracula Untold (2014), Fast & Furious 6 (2013), Beauty and the Beast (2017)), BAFTA Film Award nominee Noomi Rapace (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009), Prometheus (2012)), Rob Collins (TV series Cleverman (2016–2017) and The Wrong Girl (2016-2017)), Rachel Gordon (TV series Blue Heelers (2004-2006) and Neighbours (2007)) and others.

Take a look at the official trailer for Angel of Mine:

The movie Angel of Mine comes to the cinema at the end of August 2019.

You can find more details about the movie at

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